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2 novembre 2021
Cycling.Insights, a new service to help communities better understand cycling in the city
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On the occasion of the Velocity international trade show, Eco-Counter has teamed up with GeoVelo, the French leader in navigation app for cyclists, to create the first solution enabling local authorities to gather data on the number and location of cyclists: Cycling.Insights.

To increase safety and encourage cycling, communities need good traffic data. And while the data provided by automatic counters give an overview of the evolution of bicycle traffic at strategic points in the city, cities now want a more detailed picture of what is happening throughout their territory: origin/destination, distance of trips, average speed, etc.

To do so, cities need to combine existing data (bike counts) with GPS traces, and more precisely, to extrapolate those traces with bike counts.

Several projects have already been conducted with this ambition through various applications, but the user sample is often biased or not large enough. This new solution designed in partnership allows local authorities to benefit from a complete view of bicycle traffic, with meaningful data.

Ronan BOUQUET, Managing Director of GeoVelo, explains how the application responds to this problem: « The Geovelo application brings together a wide variety of users. It is sufficiently engaging to have a representative and qualitative sample. The extrapolation of the data made on the basis of bike counts can then be done with a good level of confidence, and provides unique information to city planners. »

Enrico Durbano, CEO of Eco-Counter adds: « This partnership will allow us to offer our customers geo-localized and anonymized user data complemented by count data from our counters. The power of this solution will allow our customers new possibilities to exploit the data and improve user experience. »

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