The holiday season is a time of increased events and marketing efforts. Measuring the impact of events on foot traffic is often a challenge for downtown district event organizers. Methods to determine the impact of events may include talking to businesses after an event, performing manual counts or handing out surveys.
Automatic counters record continuous data on foot traffic during events. In Wilmington, Delaware, Small Business Saturday was organized on November 26th as an important way to attract shoppers. Foot traffic on Market Street during the event was measured using automatic counters. Counters will be used for other future events like the LadyBug Music festival.
>>Read more about measuring foot traffic during Small Business Saturday in Wilmington
Eco-Counter’s PYRO-Box sensor can be configured to count pedestrians moving in one direction of travel or two directions. PYRO-Boxes accurately measure the direction of travel, time, and location of each pedestrian to record continuous footfall data. They can be move from location to location for use at multiple events.
>>Learn more about our solutions for downtown management
Photo: Holiday shoppers at Pike Place Market in Seattle, Steve Cyr
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